Skin Care | Emergency!

It's not everyday that your skin decides to take a turn for the worse; but when it does, it always seems to be right before a big day! If you have a special occasion coming up or just need to get clear skin ASAP, this is my routine that never fails to clear my skin in less than a week.

Flashback to the week before Wondercon, a comic convention in California that I had been looking forward to for quite some time. My skin decided to break out especially terribly due to 'that time of the month', just a few days before the convention. Knowing that HD cameras would pick up every blemish, I gathered some of my most intensive acne-fighting products and put them to good use.

I recommend using these products in combination only when your skin is especially blemished, and not for daily use. These are quite intense, and may tire your skin out if used more than one week at a time. Like most products, test these out on a small patch of inconspicuous skin (I usually pick my neck) and see how you react. There are tons of alternatives for acne solutions, it's just a matter of finding out what works for you!

The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash, $12.00
The Body Shop's Tea Tree range is fantastic for clearing your skin in a jiffy. The facial wash doesn't dry my combination-oily skin out, doesn't leave my skin red from being over-worked, and clears my breakouts quite quickly. You're left feeling refreshed and squeaky clean!

Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque, $3.99
If you have extremely dry skin, please be wary of this product. After cleansing, it's important to treat under the skin first, so clearing up any pore-clogging dirt particles is essential. I love applying this mask only to see the oil literally being lifted and showing up as dark spots over your green face (gross).

Tea Tree Oil, $10.29
Any brand of tea tree oil will do, but I love this product because it's so gentle, yet effective. Using a cotton swab, I pat over any blemishes that don't have a white head. It cleanses the spot and immediate area, leaving my blemishes significantly smaller come morning.

Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, $17.00
The final touch- a heavy-duty spot treatment guaranteed to eliminate white heads the next day. The solution separates, and can be shaken or used still by dipping a cotton swab in and applying over extra troublesome blemishes. The lotion essentially dries the skin around the spot, and gets rid of as much oil as it can, so it's crucial to moisturize properly afterwards, and to use only as needed. If you were to try just one product from this post, it'd definitely be this one!

Best of luck on your skin care endeavors, and don't be afraid to try new products! What are some of your go-to products for quick blemish fixes?


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